Motivosity helps organizations build happier teams and improve employee engagement


Develop managers into leaders, engage employees through positive recognition and help connect your workforce.

Improves employee satisfaction by as much as 52%

  • 700+ 5 star reviews on Capterra
  • Integrations include: Slack, MS Teams and HRIS
  • Hundreds of rewards with customization options
  • Over 95% user adoption rate



1 on 1s

Consistent and effective communication is a hallmark of a good leader. When managers and team members have consistent and collaborate 1 on 1’s, both parties become more effective.


A coach provides direction between plays, not once per season. Similarly, priorities that are frequently updated by managers and their team members provide ongoing clarity and focus.

Continuous Feedback

Leaders who coach, also inspire. Feedback is designed to help team members know exactly where they stand and how to improve.



Being recognized and appreciated is the number one driver of job satisfaction. Motivosity makes appreciation from managers more consistent.

Succession Planning

You can now shift ‘Succession Planning’ from an aspirational goal to something your managers can actually be good at. With centralized visibility, you’ll always know where things stand.

Key Player Evaluations

Get a bottom-up look at how the team believes value creation is attributed in the organization.
